I’ve always wondered why these people have never started a campaign to change the names we use for days of the week. I mean, aren’t they the slightest bit offended that every day of the week has the name of a pagan god?
They are holding that in reserve. You've got to understand this is not about something the people who instigated it our genuinely offended about, though no doubt their various followers are. I mean the phrase "Happy Holidays" goes back at least to the beginning of the 20th century. What it comes down to is that war in Iraq is going badly; though productivity and GDP are up, the real median wage and household income is down. Everybody who still has employer paid health care is seeing it cut. Pensions are mostly in trouble (except for that evil old social security which is not in trouble because the Republicans did not manage to steal it.) No point in taking that straight on. Si it is all "Look over there; a war on Christmas.". The loony right can always find something new to get offended at. And the rest of right is never going to work too hard at discouraging it, because the fundamentals of the right wind agenda are not popular; extreme conservatism is always sold in this country behind a barrage of phoney social issues, and lies about opponents. It is sold on the basis of fear and hate. So the right needs people like Limbaugh and O'Reilly to keep the suckers scared and angry.
I wish I could make a bunch of "these people" (or you know, what they really are, that is "you people") statements, and pretend it wasn't bigoted.
“Thank God it’s Friday (Friggs day)? Frigg was a goddess, a witch, and a feisty liberated female who was the equal of any male.
I'm a real whore for the Gods ((mostly Anubis and a few other folks {damn you Loki and your luciousness})) and I always thought Friday came from Frey and Freya, nice happy love/sex/marriage/ect gods. Just like how Wednesday is Woden's day. Of course, I found this in the footnote of a DWJ's book, so I may just be hankering for my God bitches to receive some credit.
Also, I nominate Almare for Queen of the Thread,
I accept! Woah, a whole shiny Thread for me!
and think the next thread title needs to have something to do with Zeus/Loki, Spike be damned.
It could be Spike's Bitches 28.3: Screw Spike, It's All About The Bad Ships((LOKI + ZEUS 4 EVA)). Mind you, as much as I love the thought of two shiny threads all to reign over, I still don't support the ship that makes me disturbed and slightly sick. Will pimp, explain, and use as a drinking incentive, but I will never mix ambrosia and Pan's Special E, and get Hera to drink it.
Quakers traditionally said "first day, second day" for the reasons you mention. I think some puritains did too.
Yes, we do when we're being all traditional. By we, I mean Quakers. Most of the time we go with plain old pagan names like Saturday, because otherwise, our coworkers get all confused. But then again, I'm one of the oddest Quakers amongst my tiny group ((since there aren't meeting houses in SF)), and have been nicknamed the L.L.((Luna Lovegood)) at the annual gatherings that I've managed to attend.
On Tyr and Magog fat:
He's the only man I know with the titanium knackers to get the stuff. I wonder if they use it in make-up?
OK, I have to go, because my sick ass should be in bed, not upstairs typing in the cold computer room. (usually it's warm, but since we haven't had the heat on for a few days, it's taking a while for the heat to rise up here).
Buddle up, dear!
What it comes down to is that war in Iraq is going badly; though productivity and GDP are up, the real median wage and household income is down.
Really? Oh dear. How awful it must be going for those poor families out there. We must send some ~ma there way. The Buffista ~ma is powerful stuff.
Yes, we do when we're being all traditional.
Formal religious stuff? Like meeting announcements and wedding invitations and stuff?
I can't remember if my friend's (hee) Quaker wedding had "seventh day" on the invitation or not.
Formal religious stuff? Like meeting announcements and wedding invitations and stuff?
Depends on the Quaker and the group.
Like Wedding Invitations probably just have the pagan name unless it's two Ultra Quaker familys marrying into each other.
Meeting announcements vary with groups. Some go pagan, other's don't. Usually it's the Fighting Quaker's who go all pagan. But, er, If I call them that I have to partially awknowledgethem as Quaker's in some form which could get me a stern lecture from one of the older folks. But.... What the hell! I'm a Thread Queen! Tpday, all FIghting Quakers are an actual subdivision of Quakers.
I wish I could make a bunch of "these people" (or you know, what they really are, that is "you people") statements, and pretend it wasn't bigoted.
I acknowledge that this is always a danger, but my post was pretty specific in identifying “these people” as the Neocons recently raising a fuss about the “attack on Christmas.” Given their arguments, it seemed a reasonable inference that they are ignorant of American history, of the history of Christmas/Jule/Solstice celebrations, and of the basic teachings of Jesus Christ. But it is true that I was bigoted in my statements because, as TypoBoy points out, there really is no way to tell whether these people really are ignorant or whether they are just grotesque, mendacious, hypocrites trying to manipulate other people. I jumped to the conclusion that they were ignorant, and that was unfair of me.
I wish I could make a bunch of "these people" (or you know, what they really are, that is "you people") statements, and pretend it wasn't bigoted.
wish I could make a bunch of "these people" (or you know, what they really are, that is "you people") statements, and pretend it wasn't bigoted.
When we are talking about the "War on Christmas" and a lot of the other wedge issues, we are talking about Bill O' Reilly , Rush Limbaugh and hate radio and tracing it back to anti-semites such as Henry Ford. When wedge issues come out of nowhere like this it is not a spontaenous eruption; it is deliberately being stirred up. I don't think noticing that is bigotry. I'm sure that once it is stirred up a lot of people come to geniunely believe it. But it does not arise spontaneously.
Hey, the Phoenix airport gives you free internet (no AIM though-- weird), and I have half an hour or so before boarding.
How are people?
How are people?
Fighting off a cold. Though I think the cold has won. Stuffed-up head, woozy feeling, alternating waves of heat and chills, hurty ears. Am taking Airborne and OTC drugs. We'll see how I feel in the morning.
Feh on the cold, Teppy. I hope you beat it.