Got Yugoslavian Christmas cookies baking and as soon as they come out of the oven, I'ma going to bed. I overbeat the meringue topping, so I'm kinda curious to see how they turn out. Tomorrow I need to get up failry early so I can get the pork roast in the crock pot. Once that's done, finish cleaning the living room and making individual gingerbread loaves. By then, everyone should be over who's coming over and the merriment can commence!
My daughter and I opened a Christmas Eve gift each. Hers was a nubbly green/purple/black plaid purse with a black handle (very important as her coat is black and she was dissatisfied with her recent purchase of a purse with a brown handle.) Mine was a new travel coffee cup with a totally closable opening so it can't spill at all. Wonderful! It's nice to know that gifts are well chosen.
I spent portions of this evening listening to a George Winston cd that Dan gave me, and him reading a Laurence Housman Christmas story (that I started reading to him but with this cold couldn't finish), and sipping a hot toddy. Dan had a hot toddy, too. I'm corrupting him for Christmas, apparently. Good thing that he liked it, as my plans to shop for a present for him got derailed on Friday by him walking through the door before noon.
He strung lights all over the house while I was gone. It looks lovely.
I'm now in my San Diego dive bar. Best part of Christmas. Some years the only good part of Christmas.
Is the usual crew there this year?
I never reauthorized Verichat. I need to do that.
If by The Usual crew you mean me, the woman working the bar, and two other strangers, then yes. They are here. Yo, ho, ho and a virgin birth.
I shall text you with abandon, then. I need to get out of this living room anyway, but the wifi doesn't reach to the bedroom. Feh.
Heh. I read that as "the wife doesn't reach the bedroom".
Right. She's chained to the kitchen.
Yeah, that was "the crew" you'd previously talked about.
I bought S Kate Bush's new one (first in 12 years) for Xmas. We're listening to it now.
Wow. That's all I have to say. Wow.