I figured we'd replace the engine and cars with better ones after the wimpy ones get lost.
There's a great Brio train that actually runs on batteries and has a light and toots and hauls trains when you're ready to move up. Also, all the Thomas the Tank Engine trains are fun for kids. Emmett has a bunch still.
The Brio and Thomas sets are compatible, btw.
Oh no. That sounds bad Gud.
I have to share the hard work that DH and BIL did adding on to the house. It was a long involved project made longer since Wilma hit in the middle of it for a several week delay. The area used to be part of the back patio. I think it is 12x26 or something. We knocked out the old sliding glass doors and put new ones in. We put a pool table and foosball where we used to have the dining room/family room. We turned Brendon's former bedroom into the dining room. Now we have this huge space for games, exercise, and various electronics. It was a whole lot of hard work. [link] DH and Stephen are the bestest.
Wow, Laura, that's AMAZING! That's also more work than I would EVER try to tackle. Ever.
Gotta go, Leif grabbed something and Emaryn yelled "Run!" and they took off upstairs. This can't be good.
So. Not. Good. I hope it's just minor mischief, though.
F2F at Laura's House!
Spring Break!
They really did a great job. We had a glass guy do the doors because that was too complex and an electric guy move the power. Other than that Brendon and Stephen did the whole thing. I loves them both.
I'm the one to gloat. I have Perkins in February! A good time to visit.
Oh, no fair with the gloating! 2007 is east coast, right? I'd vote for Laura's house.
There's a great Brio train that actually runs on batteries and has a light and toots and hauls trains when you're ready to move up.
Hec, thanks for the rec. I was just wrapping presents (more than I recall, what with good friends and mail order) and I think we're going to wait for the train until his birthday in February. Depending on skill level/age recommendation, that might be a good birthday present for him.
Definitely F2F at Laura's house. It has a pool table. Very cool room, Laura. Your DH did good.
May is too late to have a S. Florida F2F. We'd have to push it up to Spring Break time. Which would work for the college people. We could put up tents in the yard.