my constant griping about his poor boat driving skills.
not that I have complained about this one, but it drives me crazy when I find myself griping, harping, or nagging about something that in the long run is trivial. An extra two points for you , David , for recognizing what you did - and finding the best way to apologize.
Yeah, I hate that when I realize it's me being the pain, but better than not realizing.
Kat, please!
I'm okay with not having a million stores right near me (my last place kinda did) because I hate carrying that crap anyway. Saving my exertion for krav, I am.
Lori, I told my kids in about you and the robot arm in the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle. They thought you were the coolest person ever.
ita, it was in the magazine section of the paper, and we will save it for you. Can't find it online. Maybe we could drop it off tonight on our way to LAX, or maybe you get it in a week. Either way, it had info on restaurants to go to get lots of different goat dishes.
If dropping by is convenient, that'd be great. I don't plan on leaving the house again today. Otherwise, no worries! Thanks so much.
lori's a good cool card to toss out. "Yeah, but MARS," is hard to follow.
Huh -- has it been mentioned here that evidently author JT Leroy is a woman, but that 'he' has also been portrayed in public
by another woman?
"Yeah, but MARS,"
IT IS! But there's also something really humbling when your own (or in this case my) mother says, "Wow! She's so much smarter than you are."
But there's also something really humbling when your own (or in this case my) mother says, "Wow! She's so much smarter than you are."
I'm already the dumb one in my family.