OK, I apologize in advance for this one, but... you know those little cigar guillotines they have...?
OK, this site says I'm wrong:
The only humane way to euthanize a mouse is by inhaled gas anesthesia overdose. This can only be done at a vet's. There is no humane way to euthanize a mouse at home. Asphyxiation by carbon dioxide, by drowning, or in a plastic bag; freezing, cervical dislocation, or feeding to another animal are all incredibly cruel and inhumane. The only humane way to euthanize a mouse is by inhaled gas anesthesia overdose.
NotEmily has suggested throwing the mouse off the balcony if it shows up again.
hey, done that! In the buff. It the first was in my bed, people. I freaked. It needed to be OUT. And then there was the maybe-dead one that was placed in a plastic bag on my balcony and apparently took a flight while I was at work.
Of course, it probably goes without saying that bringing a cat-wounded mouse to a vet's for euthanizing may not be practical...
This site says there are some humane techniques for the do-it-yourself mouse euthanizer: [link]
Okay! Bastet caught it again, I called NotEmily, we had a surreal mouse-curling moment wherein he kept it from getting into the living room (*) while I fetched the dustpan, then we raced onto the balcony (where I almost fell on my ass, because there's an inch and a half of snow out there) and he dumped it off the side. And then I banged the top of my foot really hard on the step. Ow. But so long as the mouse's family is halfway intelligent and stays away from the open spaces, we should be done for the night.
Assuming, of course, that it was the same mouse.
No shit! Like, cat, okay, catch the mouse, that part was excellent, but then kill it!
(* by sweeping it back repeatedly with a broom, without which part the curling reference makes no sense, I just realized)
Bastet and Devi seem of a kind. If she's got an attention span, she plays with them to death. If they truly get away, she forgets...
OK, it's now too late, but from my above link, the two best ideas seem to be:
- dry ice in a container (carbon dioxide)
- engine starting fluid (which is almost pure ether)
Oh, just smash it, tommyrot. Fer crying out loud....
tommyrot is still looking up ways to snuff mice. We would worry about tommyrot, if we did not know better.
dry ice in a container (carbon dioxide); engine starting fluid (which is almost pure ether)
These sound like excellent ideas for putting a pet mouse to sleep. For finishing off a cat-caught mouse, however, it'd probably be more practical to find a vet, since I have neither of those ingredients.