dry ice in a container (carbon dioxide); engine starting fluid (which is almost pure ether)
These sound like excellent ideas for putting a pet mouse to sleep. For finishing off a cat-caught mouse, however, it'd probably be more practical to find a vet, since I have neither of those ingredients.
Thank you, sarameg, for not saying "tommyrot, snuff it!"
Did I mention ow, with the foot?
poor Emily, injured in pursuit of a mouse!
Does that help?
Hey, I can't help it if I find humane mouse-snuffing to be an interesting technical problem, with more than one solution....
Sure. It is all about Em's foot. Nevermind the mouses's whole
Watch it, Em. We will sick tommyrot on your foot. Life will be all pain, henceforth.
Must go read threadsuck. Mice Follies!
Does that help?
Er, sorry, I wasn't meaning to be all "Will no one think of my FOOT?" It was more that five minutes later it was still hurting so I posted. Because how can I have a thought and not post about it? Tchyah.
I was teasing, hon. I turn into a gibbering idiot when prey-mice are involved.