Though if you are going to mess with a masterpiece give poor Adam a, um, hand.
Heh. Well, he was very young, Trudy.
I'm totally with you, Cindy.
I owe my mother a debt I can only pay forward to my own kids, in that not for a moment, despite how biblical our understanding of Christianity was, did I ever think I was a second class Christian because I have a vagina, rather than a penis.
I like your updated rendition of the Doxology, by the way. I like the original, because it's a really ancient creed, but like you said, because the Doxology is a weekly thing, it bears shaking up, now and then.
Well, the original hymns do still exist, so I do see a difference. At least they're not messing with the only version.
To me, a song only exists in a meaningful sense, when it's being played/sung. The rest of the time, there are notes on paper, telling how to make it exist.
I like the original, because it's a really ancient creed, but like you said, because the Doxology is a weekly thing, it bears shaking up, now and then.
Except for the Tango Doxology. A line must be drawn
The thing that pisses me off is that newer Bible translations are often more true to the original language, while being more inclusive. The original texts weren't nearly as patricarchical as the KJV in a lot of cases.
a song only exists in a meaningful sense, when it's being played/sung.
But if you can make either exist just like that (or they could both be existing at the very same time) I don't feel the same sort of loss as the desecration of something that can never be restored to its full glory. Or at least not quickly.
That's where it's from.
The version I know is just those three lines, and that's all. No Booth.
I dont' see a moral difference between inclusivizing-up the hymns and going into the Sistine Chapel, and repainting
Didn't people actually do that, though? Repaint on top of Renaissance paintings to drape all of the nudie with drapery? (I don't know if specifically in the Sistine Chapel, but a lot elsewhere.) So, the urge to meddle with art is not a new one.
The version I know is just those three lines, and that's all. No Booth.
I mean messing with the poem is where the name is from.
So, tomorrow does my Tivo-less self want to watch
In Justice
Book of Daniel.
Anti-death penalty v. Religious snark is a very very tough choice.
I'd recommend
Book of Daniel,
just because it's getting a bit controversial (two stations are refusing to air it after receiving complaints).
eta: [link]