Woah -- the lunchtime boredom x-post!
Also, she seemed clear that humanity at large is scared of artificial intelligence. Is this true, you think? I know people here might be too geeky to fully participate in that fear (or geeky enough that they've gone 360 and have an informed fear). Or does it just make good sci fi stories?
I wonder how much of the general population considers AI nonfiction enough to be worth fearing. I'd guess relatively little.
I think people often find non-human things acting human creepy - which is one way to look at AI. Isn't it a little weird when Tivo knows what you like to watch, even though you know how it learns? And weren't we talking about Uncanny Valley and Dakota Fanning here (or somewhere) recently?
Isn't it a little weird when Tivo knows what you like to watch, even though you know how it learns?
To me, no. Because I enjoy reading up on the algorithm. I have no idea what it's like to not be like that, so I'm curious.
I took an AI course in college. Didn't do very well. It was about game playing applications, and that irritated me. Chess playing programs are not intelligent. They are problem solving in a really small domain with clear and unbreakable rules. Intelligence isn't knowing
possible outcome (and the path there) and moving towards the one you like best. It's almost the opposite of that.
Then I get confused about intelligence v. sentience and then I'm all dizzy.
What AI do we have around us anyway? What learns and plans? Apart from the Roomba (or does that not plan?).
I think the reason that AI makes good horror movies is NSM because I'm scared of someone creating something better than me, but I'd be scared of someone playing god with so little experience on their resume -- it's not about getting it right -- the horror is when they get it wrong.
Then again, maybe we're a god's horror story right now.
Oops. The boss here just asked if I have enough to do. I said I really would if people would get back to me.
Could be worse. Currently I'm watching the work pile up in my inbox with mounting horror.
Could be worse. Currently I'm watching the work pile up in my inbox with mounting horror.
Yeah, that's worse. Maybe I'll take a smoke break. I did just make two follow-up phone calls and send an email!
I like Tivo, but I'm still afraid of Hal.
It schemes.
And occasionally opens fire (usually on the pets), and, if taught correctly, plays the 1812 Overture.
The chick in the cube next to me is totally gossiping on the phone in her native language.
Totally not fair.
We're allowed to leave early to catch the start of the Rose Bowl game. How weird.
All the things that I can think of that are in current use as "AI" are really just massive data collection and analysis - Tivo catching vampire shows, Amazon's recommendations, Walmart's and others' data collection and targeted marketing. On the other hand, isn't a big factor in intelligence data collection and analysis?
I am speaking as a non-AI studier and also as a non-reader of Sci-Fi. But as someone who found Furby creepy. Also Robodogs.
Yeah, that's worse. Maybe I'll take a smoke break.
Yep! I'm going to take a smoke break, too, but it's to stave off homicidal impulses in addition to the boredom.