ita, methinks some protein and green items might be in order. of course, if you are not hungry, eating will make you sick, so I wouldn;t suggest that. Just some thoughts for what to put in your piehole when the hunger comes next.
Just called the padre for his bday, now to call wc bff as it is her's also.
Happy birthday, shrift!
So I have achieved dateage with the cute bookstore guy. Turns out he is into books (duh), traveling, music, and he likes
He's also 12 years older than me. Don't know if it's going to go anywhere, but I think we both had a good time, and he's going to call me next week. yay!
I think it was a misdiagnosis of some rare condition that ruined the muscle or something.
He had a muscle infarction in his leg. Normally, muscle infarctions are in your heart; they're heart attacks and they kill you.
His leg got the wrong treatment, but it was a very House episode-like wrong treatment: they saw the pain, they made the likeliest diagnosis, it was wrong, they made the next likeliest diagnosis, it was wrong, he went into surgery to fix it, saying he'd rather die than have it amputated,
his girlfriend gave consent to do stuff he didn't want done,
he woke up with permanent nerve damage and pain and blamed her.
The episode is called "Three Stories", and I think it's the best House episode.
Is the
girlfriend Sela Ward?
I had a bowl of pasta. I'm wondering if all food is a migraine trigger. Or chewing. Or perhaps breathing.
Ah, well. Nutrition of some sort achieved.
Oddly I just read about this oil recently, outside of this story of its decline in production.
House hooked me last night when he was ranting
surely not ALL children with cancer are noble and self-sacrificing
or something to that effect.
Anybody watching
48 Hours
I think
the mother is lying plenty (though she was battered) and the son who doesn't believe her is lying (and in all sorts of denial). I think the son who does believe her is gay and that's why the father was an ass to him and not the other brother.
knitter types. aside from needing to go to bed pretty soon, is there any reason I shouldn't ball up every single hank of yarn I own?