Anybody watching
48 Hours
I think
the mother is lying plenty (though she was battered) and the son who doesn't believe her is lying (and in all sorts of denial). I think the son who does believe her is gay and that's why the father was an ass to him and not the other brother.
knitter types. aside from needing to go to bed pretty soon, is there any reason I shouldn't ball up every single hank of yarn I own?
One big ball could be cool...
msbelle, if you ever need to return any of it, most places won't take it balled.
Harking back to an earlier conversation, I think Polar Express successfully wrapped up all Cuteness Factors together and tossed them into the Uncanny Valley.
Huh. I f I make the text really really big, I can actually post something when only using my bad eye. But I keep on losing sight of the mouse pointer. And I can't read any of the keys on the keyboard. But I can tell when I type something wrong.
I think we are supposed to feel sorry for Perkins.