Megalomaniac Darwinian globalists are in the process of creating a new world order in which the Masters (themselves) will be served by scientifically-re-engineered “Un Man.” The stumbling block is Christianity and the individualism that naturally occurs from belief in God as Sovereign of the universe. Hence the unrelenting and increasingly virulent hatred being spewed at Christians, Christmas, and all things relating to Christianity.
As Americans began turning their backs on God, atheist and infidel alike began crawling out of the dark, sharpening their swords, and forging our chains.
Fuck, I haven't been sharpening my sword. I don't even
a sword. And I must have missed the notices of the chain-forging parties.
This is by Linda Kimball, who lives in Evanston. Maybe I'll drop by some time for tea and cookies.
eta: (not sure if this is the same Linda.)
I lashings of delicious grub! And also some ripping treats. Somebody get right on that, please
You understand it's just a box, and that there aren't any slings or prosthetics involved, right?
the individualism that naturally occurs from belief in God as Sovereign of the universe
Ah, so that's why I have no sense of self. And here I thought I was just trapped in the Matrix...
You understand it's just a box, and that there aren't any slings or prosthetics involved, right?
Just a box? It sounds like a very
box to me.
A traditional tuck box is a box one stores food in at boarding school.
Don't they
you at boarding school? Or must you bring along decade-old cake to re-ice?
Or must you bring along decade-old cake to re-ice?
They soak it in alcohol so it won't go bad.
Don't they feed you at boarding school?
You ever been on a meal plan? And you honestly never wanted any treats?
am very busy. I need things from people in order to stay on a schedule. People are not getting back to me. The holidays have kinda screwed us on this and I didn;t catch it beforehand. bad project manager.
I was flipping through channels Sunday night and came upon that new show with Kyle Maclachlan -- there was a female character played by somebody who looked so familiar --- turns out it was Constance Zimmer who play Sister Lilly Watters in Joan of Arcadia.
The stumbling block is Christianity and the individualism that naturally occurs from belief in God as Sovereign of the universe.
Jesus Brian: You are all individuals!
Atheist/Infidel: Er...I'm not.
Don't they feed you at boarding school? Or must you bring along decade-old cake to re-ice?
I pretty much assumed that they didn't feed the kids lashings of chocolate cake and candy. And the wee'uns presumably wouldn't have been allowed to go gallivanting off to the shops to buy sweets (and, anyway, there wouldn't be much in the way of mass-produced sweets anywhere), they'd be stuck on the school grounds (wherever the hell the school was), so if they wanted sweets, it would involve planning, and care packages.
Hell, come to that people sometimes got care packages when I was at University! Fisher and Donaldson had several different hampers of OBSCENELY delicious cream cakes & chocolates that you could have delivered to your darling son or daughter during exam week/birthday/whatever.
God, they did the most fantastic coffee-flavoured fresh cream pastry things. To. Die. For. Mmmmm...
This is my assumption.