In happier political news (well, happier from my perspective): [link]
Once a masterful Republican lobbyist with close ties to the former House majority leader, Representative Tom DeLay, [Jack Abramoff] earned tens of millions of dollars representing Indian casino interests and farflung entities like the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands. Through a complicated web of financial arrangements, he helped funnel donations to his lawmaker friends' and their campaigns, and took members of Congress, mainly the Republicans in power, on lavish trips.
Now, after more than two years of investigations, prosecutors have developed a list of at least a dozen lawmakers, congressional aides and lobbyists whose work appears suspect and who are now at the core of the case. With Mr. Abramoff's cooperation, the Justice Department will have a potentially critical witness to alleged patterns of corruption or bribery within the Republican leadership ranks, which in some cases they believe also took the form of campaign donations and free meals at Mr. Abramoff's downtown restaurant, Signatures.
You'd think, but look at the election debacle of 2004.
On the other hand, look at Romania. Maybe in 22 years or so, there'll be enough results of of those Priority Pregnancies to foment rebellion!
I don't really want to wait that long...
Okay, that's just weird.
Because I'm spaced, I just typed volkswagen santa monica
for a URL, and Opera sent me to
. Which is where I meant to go, after googling the terms above. But it sent me there in a straight shot.
Okay, that's just weird.
Because I'm spaced, I just typed volkswagen santa monica for a URL, and Opera sent me to [link] Which is where I meant to go, after googling the terms above. But it sent me there in a straight shot.
I've done that in Firefox too with the same results. Well, not volkswgen santa monica, but some nerdier site.
Does that mean it's a Googlewhack?
Representative Tom DeLay
I particularly love it when Jon Stewart talks about DeLay and makes the aside, with a sleezy sexual whisper: "He's dirrrrrrty."
It's almost as much as fun as when he basically calls Robert Novak a traitorous human shitbag.
Did you click the feeling lucky button by accident?
Does that mean it's a Googlewhack?
I'm guessing it's an "I'm feeling lucky." I just had no idea it did that. I could have saved myself some time. But I can't predict when it'll work, because it's not doing it now.
Great. I'm going to be playing with that all day now.
Did you click the feeling lucky button by accident?
There's no feeling lucky button in Opera -- I'm just typing in the URL space.
Did you click the feeling lucky button by accident?
FF (and I believe also Opera) do a feeling lucky search automagically if they can't resolve what's in the location box as a url.
FF (and I believe also Opera) do a feeling lucky search automagically if they can't resolve what's in the location box as a url.
Sometimes. I've tried it four times, and twice it took me to the site, and twice it tried to take me to volkswagensantamonica and displayed a failure message.