Christmas Cake! You people don't have Christmas Cake?
Honey, my traditional ideal Xmas involves biscocho (a dry crumbly mexican anise cookie,) peperkokr ( a thin swedish spice cookie,) luminarias (votives in paper bags around the sidewalks,) quiche on Xmas Eve, spanish chorals, swedish braided sweet bread, tamales and the seasonal sweet tamales (raisins, cinnamon, pecans and UMMMM, so freaking good.) I'm a USian, but a southwestern USian of midwestern descent. Fruitcake is an import!
Swedish braided bread! We do that too!
Oh, everyone should know: the fruitcake from Anne was
I want to marry her now if my Mother doesn't get her first. I have a little bit left and I'll have it tomorrow night with coffee.
In other ridiculous news, this afternoon I ate a Ring Pop with a light inside (from my stocking), and the damn thing is STILL BLINKING! I'm going to have to wrap it in a bag and hide it in the bottom of the trash.
Half of my grandparents were immigrant from sweden in the early part of the century. We've kept up some things. Not lutefisk, though.
The idea of keeping a cake that's not going to taste good in a year confounds me.
With the Commonwealth tradition, you might even end up with an improvement on what started out pretty tasty. But I'm sure there's some explanation for what that's silly too.
My guess is that the top-tier-first-anniversary-cake was once the same liquor-sodden-fruit as the christening cake.
I think a frozen cake would taste just fine. But then, I freeze everything, and have room-temperature food storage Issues.
My guess is that the top-tier-first-anniversary-cake was once the same liquor-sodden-fruit as the christening cake.
So you switched it out for something that tastes less good? Crafty.
OMG, mom gave me some key lime curd. Just tried it. It is SO GOOD. And I don't really do spreads. Hell, I'll eat this stuff with a spoon. Perfect balance of sweet and tart.
The cake batter broke my spatula. That's how thick it is. First batch in the oven.
I've never watched House before, so I didn't know that one of my very favorite songs is the theme song.