ita, a problem with tea is that there are incompatibilities between quality and length of life. Tea is best prepared loose in the pot. Which means that even if the pot is insulated, after the first five minutes you get stewed tea. So you can get one of those french-press type tea pots, but crushing the leaves makes the tea bitter.
I usually end either using tea bags in the pot and fishing them out: the china pot keeps the tea warm enough to keep drinking from -- or I make the tea loose and then pour it off into an insulated mug to keep it from stewing. Given that an insulated mug will cost you $4, I submit this may be a solution, if not the perfect one.
Cereal (Irish breakfast, with honey): I just got back from a lovely long brunch with Buffistas. Which was great; but five hours in a house with cats, even a clean house where the cats are locked away in the bedroom? Makes me wheeze like a mofo. I'm so glad I'm not an asthmatic: I could never function like this.
So I'm back to tea and listening to the rain. Yay theophyllline!
Which means that even if the pot is insulated, after the first five minutes you get stewed tea.
The other requirement I'd mentioned upthread was a large steeping basket, so that the leaves could be removed once the proper brewing time had elapsed. The teapot was also for work, so the second insulated mug would be too much bother, since we don't actually have sinks with dishwashing liquid. For all those prices that specifically meet my requirements, I'll just use my in-cup basket twice.
Brunch was at Perkins' apartment today. Everyone welcomed Juliana to the Bay Area. Perkins was sad that Sean was not there to take home the leftovers (FedEx was considered). There was much conversation. Including the infamous slash conversation that was not about Slash . And the importance of having a banana when living in a cardboard box
To be xposted with bitches.
but five hours in a house with cats, even a clean house where the cats are locked away in the bedroom? Makes me wheeze like a mofo.
This is why my parents don't stay with me anymore. And honestly, I'm just as glad.
Homer is the awesomest cat ever. No surprise he won your mom over.
turns out sappy romantic comedies not always what the dr. ordered. a GA would make me so happy. damn networks.
He really does have the best personality of any cat I've ever met. He gave her the headbutt on the leg move. Edit: "Butt" sounds stronger than what I mean. He just touches the top of his head on stuff.
That's a headbutt. A headplow is what Mister Kitty does. It leaves bruises or rearranges anatomy.
I'm torn between watching March of the Penguins and just ...not. I think that's too much drama for me tonight.
head Butt is the word for what percy does . If you are unprepared the behind the knee head butt could knock you over.