Brunch was at Perkins' apartment today. Everyone welcomed Juliana to the Bay Area. Perkins was sad that Sean was not there to take home the leftovers (FedEx was considered). There was much conversation. Including the infamous slash conversation that was not about Slash . And the importance of having a banana when living in a cardboard box
To be xposted with bitches.
but five hours in a house with cats, even a clean house where the cats are locked away in the bedroom? Makes me wheeze like a mofo.
This is why my parents don't stay with me anymore. And honestly, I'm just as glad.
Homer is the awesomest cat ever. No surprise he won your mom over.
turns out sappy romantic comedies not always what the dr. ordered. a GA would make me so happy. damn networks.
He really does have the best personality of any cat I've ever met. He gave her the headbutt on the leg move. Edit: "Butt" sounds stronger than what I mean. He just touches the top of his head on stuff.
That's a headbutt. A headplow is what Mister Kitty does. It leaves bruises or rearranges anatomy.
I'm torn between watching March of the Penguins and just ...not. I think that's too much drama for me tonight.
head Butt is the word for what percy does . If you are unprepared the behind the knee head butt could knock you over.
Which romcom let you down, msbelle?
The perfect feline personality is the one that avoids me entirely. Sometimes I like playing with cats, but not enough that I'd be upset if they erred on the side of avoiding me.
I'm watching
Mad Hot Ballroom.
I had no idea there was so much of kids talking about the opposite sex. It makes it hard for me to desexualise the dances, which I really need to do. I never talked about boys when I was a young chick, so that may be why it weirds me out so.
ita, you'd LOVE Devi. I don't think she pays any attention to anyone but me, and only at set times.