I'd hate to walk up to a group of people and hear, "Look - here comes the guy with the big blind spot."
Exactly! Latin was invented for a reason, you know?
The chick behind the front desk at krav totally ran her mouth off (I say that with love--she rocks) to a student today. She noticed he was a doctor when she checked him in, struck up a conversation and found out he was a neurologist. So she gave him my case history (of which she has most of, since she's in sports medicine, plus I like her), and then called me out of the seminar I was watching so I could talk to him. The most telling (or depressing or optimistic) thing he said was "It's only been a month and a half? No worries! These things tend to plateau until the six month mark."
Doesn't quite cover the migraines, just the other stuff, but still. Six months? Oy.
I am heating up leftover empanadas and they smell soooo good.
Nope, not really. They don't burn that long. We'd have maybe a couple that made it until morning, but those were the weak ones. Proper luminarias, you fill the bottom of a bag that has a good cuff ( to keep it open )with a couplethree inches of only slightly damp sand and plop the candles within. When we had a grass yard, we always set them on concrete (now parents have rock, so no big.) Some flame up dramatically, but it is all about placement. If you are putting them on your roof (as some people do) you do have to be more careful, but...around where I lived, most of those were adobe walls so...
Speaking of grocery stores (or not, more like I just made sandwiches for the week and it reminded me) I had an odd experience in Safeway the other day. Shortly after I got there, I find this older guy in a yalmulka standing at the end of the aisle, just staring at me. Kinda ignored it. A few aisles later, he is
at me, again from the middle of the end of the aisle. It was ..strange. It kept happening.
So I get in the checkout line, and who gets in line behind me but this guy and someone I presume was his son or relative. They are arguing in russian and the son is standing way the hell too close, but I figure it is a russian thing (given all the russians I knew in russia did not get my personal bubble at all.) Then, I lift a package of sliced ham from my cart and the old guy (who is still watching me) just ERUPTS. Furious. Pointing at me, pointing at his younger companion. It was really really strange. Unfortunately, all the russian I know is food related, but not pig-sourced food.
No idea what the hell that was.
Damn. I was hoping the story would include finally finding out what he was tripping about.
My ex very nicely obtained some real holly with bright red berries from his neighbors as I'd asked. So now my little construction site is kinda holiday-ish. Small live redwood tree trimmed with an IKEA kit (I don't have any heirloom decorations) and a couple holly boughs. Plus as much holiday baking as I can manage in between the moving boxes and tools.
That was the perfect opportunity to yell Jackhole.
Is there a new GA tonight?
Mmmm. Leftover empanada not only smells good, it tastes good.
I miss the wide aisles in CA supermarkets. Between Santiago and now NYC, it's been ages since I went grocery shopping without feeling slightly claustrophobic.
Kat P!!!
I'm pretty sure GA is a repeat tonight.
My power went out for about an hour. I was able to order pizza, get it delivered, and start eating it before it came back on. I felt all resourceful and crap.
I also watched the first episode of NewsRadio on my laptop. Good god do I love Jimmy James. I'd forgotten how much.
That was the perfect opportunity to yell Jackhole.
I was too bemused to be upset. It was more an odd wondering what craxy guy's motives were. Was he suffering from dementia? Was his son/person dating a non-whatever-type (nonjewish, nonrussian) that looked like me? Was I being scoped as a prospect? Was I an object lesson?
I really should have kept up on the russian lessons.