No revulsion! I don't hate hugging! It's more that I would never think to do it, so I'm often surprised when other people do.
Yeah, that's totally me. It doesn't bother me a bit, but I get caught off guard, or get that awkward are we/aren't we moment.
LICKING!?!?!? Good lord. One of my college BFFs will sometimes run her hand down my face, but that's her HAND.
People kept looking at me this morning.
You're very pretty.
Woo Hoo! I just made reservations for the 4 of us to go to the Adirondacks after Christmas. We will head out on the 26th of Dec and come back January 1st. Bringing in the New Year with snow (hopefully). Whee, sledding! It was so surprising to find round trip flights for $222 each including everything that I had to do it. Whee!
I used to lick the hands of people who brought them too close to my face (for something that grossed them out, it was a poor teaching tool, but I did relish their discomfort each time). Faces would be weird.
We didn't poke breasts (talking the relatives I hung out with in MI) but there was a lot of butt grabbage and a fair amount of boob cupping.
You're very pretty.
Heh. Thanks. But prettier than yesterday? Are you saying my extreme disgruntledness and ire is making me more attractive? This might be problematic.
My family are yankees. We hug a little, and sometimes walk arm in arm, but we do not kiss, lick, or [shudder] poke each other in the breasts. [shudder again.]
I second Jesse's response, and then some.
I was friends with one of those boob poking people. I let her know in no uncertain terms she'd die bloody were she to try. Also knew a biter. That wasn't funny. I think whirling around with a hot frying pan cured that one of approaching me.
Personal bubble, people. BUBBLE.
I was in Meeting Hell at work for most of the morning, hence the answerless-ness. Yesterday was awful at work for the stress I was feeling, so I took the Flexeril in the hopes that I wouldn't spend the night as stiff as a board. The doctor suggested that I take it early in the evening (like 8 or 9) to leave enough time for it to work through my system, but perhaps 9 is still too late. I could have slept an extra two hours at least if I'd been able to.
A friend says that F will work faster if I break or bite the tablet (already teeny) in half before taking. I wonder if that means it will also get out of my system faster? Worth an experiment or two. As well as just taking a half-pill....
good god, NOT family, silly college friends. we drank a lot.
good god, NOT family, silly college friends.
That makes it better how?
Theo, I don't take Flexeril after 6 or 7 unless I'm desperate.