Skimmed, and came up with this:
the mail cart: for the entire month of December, every day at around two, a mailroom employee would trundle a little cart up and down the halls of all 15 floors of the hospital, selling stamps and shipping supplies and taking people's packages to mail out.
I would PAY a bonus for this one. It just sounds like a little bit of heaven.
and re: bonuses, my dad's used to nearly double his salary as an environmental engineering consultant. I, however, work for state government. If they offered a bonus, I might die of shock before I ever had a chance to use it.
You know what's funny? The Company Store (comforters and linens) included some samples in the box. They are nivea night cream and Lifesaver gummi sours. So very random.
I love the company store. I want it and the vermont country store to get married and have babies.
It's pretty awesome. We've pretty much only gotten comforters from them, but I like to look at the pretty warm stuff.
Alias is confusing me. It's sort of random assed.
ita, did you change the format of your LJ in the last day or so? When I look at it on Safari, the way it is formatted makes it too long for the browser, and I can't see the bottom of the page, and can't leave comments, since I can't get to the "post comment" button.
It never used to do that, and it doesn't in Firefox or Opera.
I suspect Safari doesn't like the page header image. Which is weird. I'll look at it more tomorrow.
I had the same problem in IE, actually.
Also? Am DONE with two classes!! YAYAYAY.