ita, did you change the format of your LJ in the last day or so? When I look at it on Safari, the way it is formatted makes it too long for the browser, and I can't see the bottom of the page, and can't leave comments, since I can't get to the "post comment" button.
It never used to do that, and it doesn't in Firefox or Opera.
I suspect Safari doesn't like the page header image. Which is weird. I'll look at it more tomorrow.
I had the same problem in IE, actually.
Also? Am DONE with two classes!! YAYAYAY.
SO relieved. And the weirdest thing ever was not being in charge of a group project. Me and the guy in the group kept going on and on about how we've never done this little on a group project. We let the new girl do it. Word.
Next week: Exam on Wednesday, paper due some unknown day, but I have to get it in by Thursday so I can go home.
YAYAY Emily!!
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
OK, here's a question: I need a new phone. Do I get a free one, or a Razr for $130 with 2-year contract?
Yeah, but you have, like, a real job and stuff. I have to go look at it.