hmog, I just spent a tedious hour playing with amazon (it saved $55 ) and powells but I'm finished my xmas shopping for mom & dad. Now to paypal my brother some money (I'm buying him spark plugs! And...something else.)
Then it's just the nephew and SIL. Screw in the inlaws, I can't cope any more.
But the cool thing? Found a perfect book for dad: The Last Place on Earth
Bush is restating why the war in Iraq was necessary and not our choice.
We removed Saddam Hussein from power because he was a threat to our security. He had pursued and used weapons of mass destruction. He sponsored terrorists. He ordered his military to shoot at American and British pilots patrolling the "no-fly" zones.
He invaded his neighbors. He fought a war against the United States and a broad coalition. He had declared that the United States of America was his enemy.
Over the course of a decade, Saddam Hussein refused to comply with more than a dozen United Nations resolutions, including demands that he respect the rights of the Iraqi people, disclose his weapons and abide by the terms of a 1991 cease-fire. He deceived international inspectors, and he denied them the unconditional access they needed to do their jobs.
When a unanimous Security Council gave him one final chance to disclose and disarm or face serious consequences, he refused to comply with that final opportunity.
At any point along the way, Saddam Hussein could have avoided war by complying with the just demands of the international community. The United States did not choose war. The choice was Saddam Hussein's.
DailyKos diary with links to NOLA shops and artists' studios that have reopened and are eager for Christmas business to keep the city alive:
NOLA shops and artists' studios that have reopened and are eager for Christmas business to keep the city alive:
Trashy Diva, by any chance? I'd be happy to support the NOLA economy by buying a corset.
You were ice skating, IIRC.
Oh. That's right. I can't complain too much, seeing as how that particular skate session had possibly the funnest playlist ever (The Smiths, Natalie Merchant, that Jane's Addiction song about shoplifting with the video with the cheerleader playing pompom with heads of lettuce).
Still. Zam Zam with you. Oyster bar with lisah.
From now on, I decree that if Hec is making plans with out-of-townistas that don't include me, they can only go and do stuff I don't like. Which still leaves plenty of leather shops and Good Vibrations, so nobody start whining about how I'm oppressing you; I don't want to hear it, you bunch of sneaky martini-drinking oyster-eaters.
Someone please resurrect the network! Am bored, send packets.
Someone please resurrect the network! Am bored, send packets.
Winged packet monkeys, away!
Oh! Plus, JZ, we got to go to Lush and Cupcake Nation (or whatever it's called) and buy the Bling Kitty -- so there was fun Teppy Time! Also pizza and random hanging out at your place. And Invader Zim!
Okay, that's it. Young lady, you march right back here RIGHT NOW. You're going to the Zam Zam again WITH ME, and you're doing it NOW. No. No back-sass. Zip it! Right. Now. Are we clear? Good.
I'm waiting.
HEY! Can we wait two more weeks, at least? Please?