I think my mother's giving me something she picked up on her India trip, my father already gave me a knife from his China trip, and we've given them stuff we got for them in Kenya. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to get stuff for my sister (or if she's getting me anything), but otherwise, that's the bulk of my gift exchanging that doesn't involve heifer.org.
Nice, simple, in keeping with my energy reserves.
oh well, if they can't get with the amazon wishlistness of it all, then cash is a good request. Nora, I am happy to adopt you at anytime. FYI.
My family can't deal with the wishlist either, for whatever reason.
Nora, I am happy to adopt you at anytime. FYI.
Whee! It's been my dream since reading the description of your tree and color wheel.
I think the wishlist is too computerific for my mom. No, really.
Today is not starting well. The alarm got unplugged (feeling twitchy, ita?) so I was massively late, had to park elsewhere and I can only park there for 2 hours so have to move it, the walk to the car involves iced over sidewalks which means treacherous baby steps and just BLARG. I'm surprised the city doesn't get sued over the condition of the sidewalks in public areas. I'm surprised more people don't slip and get hit by cars. It's scary.
I know it's partly the lack of sleep, but Bones is making me cry and cry. Like a SUCKER.
That was a really
cry-worthy Bones.
Like a SUCKER.
not telling what it made me do
As long as it's not just me.