I think the wishlist is too computerific for my mom. No, really.
Today is not starting well. The alarm got unplugged (feeling twitchy, ita?) so I was massively late, had to park elsewhere and I can only park there for 2 hours so have to move it, the walk to the car involves iced over sidewalks which means treacherous baby steps and just BLARG. I'm surprised the city doesn't get sued over the condition of the sidewalks in public areas. I'm surprised more people don't slip and get hit by cars. It's scary.
I know it's partly the lack of sleep, but Bones is making me cry and cry. Like a SUCKER.
That was a really
cry-worthy Bones.
Like a SUCKER.
not telling what it made me do
As long as it's not just me.
I think the wishlist is too computerific for my mom.
It's definitely too computerific for my family. Trying to get them to the wishlist would be, to use a phrase from an old David Steinberg routine, like explaining alternate side of the street parking to a cranberry.
Happy birthday Gar!
and as per usual the map software puts me on the other end of the street... actually the middle of my street instread of the end
I canna deal with the Wishlist. I tried it before, but, I don't shop regularly at Amazon, so I never update it. And, except for books and DVDs, I think in broad types of what I would like for Christmas, rather than in specific tokens. (OMG that is info-studies jargon: type and token.)
So, like, I said, "Some kind of slipper with a bottom that is not fabric, that will keep my feet warm. Elmo pelt OK."
Not only did I not have to find several tokens of this type to show variety, it took me less time to type up the phrase than it did to search something out on Amazon.
(I now have alpaca slippers with leather bottoms.)
Trashy vintage novels as iPod cases
Cool idea.
But they're destroying books! In my cosmology, taking apart books gets you sent to the special hell.