I don't get why it's sad, though--heating my back is only attractive when it makes me feel better. When it makes me feel worse, it's a bad thing.
Because there shouldn't be things generally considered good (or really any things) that make you feel worse.
Aversion therapy! That's how I don't miss ice cream or milkshakes at all!
Just figured out my brother told my mom about the whole SIL being pissed with me thing. I wish he hadn't. Mom takes these things to heart and that's just not right. I mean, I've decided I'm going to greet my SIL with a sweet "Get over it bitch," a laugh and a hug and if she can't take a joke, whatever, it's on her. Mom, in the meantime, has recinded her hopes to have the grandchild visit solo in the hopes of familial harmony. NOT RIGHT.
Want to slap someone. Not sure who.
Ugh. Sarameg, it's clear. you want to slap SIL. Poor you and poor brother.
Thank you, ita. Looks fun!
Nicole, you live in a cold place. You should look into the heater thing.
Heh. Yeah, the cold drive after work today kept me from stopping for a trip through the mall for an outfit for this weekend. Lack of heat in my vehicle is RUINING MY WEEKEND PLANS TO LOOK GOOD! Must be remedied. Unless, of course, the heat fix is too costly. Then I'll just have to skip the two holiday parties on Saturday. Damn 'formal' requirements.
Well, and my brother, for passing it on to mom. Partly, I'm not surprised, as he and she are very close, to the point where I don't think he's aware that he has a certain resiliance she doesn't. Or not resiliance.... thick skin. Stubborness. Duckback.
SIL really needs to grow up, though. You were so so right. I have a certain amount of patience (thinks on midtwenties. Erases mind) but this is silly. I've stopped worrying the way I did at first (mostly, as this post shows I do still fret), but I suspect I may be in the doghouse for a bit, because I intend to say every damned thing that comes to mind, not out of meaness or spite, just plain old honesty. The thing is, when I want to be nonconfrontational, I'm pretty damned frustrating to engage. I give no rope, and grab no rope. Too...nice or something, without relenquishing. Even my dad, the king of persnickity, says so. Hell, he should. I learned it out of boredom with arguing.
Though, I think I'll throw in a threat to take the kid to Disney or something, just to get a rise. I'm not that nice.
I'm wondering if my grandmother would appreciate something like this [link] for Christmas.
I watched one GA early on and didn't like it. Perhaps this summer I will watch the whole season and see if it grows on me. I don't think it is my thing though. But I'm getting tempted.
Laura, I missed this earlier. The first ep I was a little meh. I wasn't sure about the voice-overs or the main character but liked enough to watch the following week. If you get the chance, check it out again. You're even welcome to borrow my dvds, after I get them and watch them a few times.
If I were sarameg, I'd slap my brother since he should know better. Sometimes a simple-ish disagreement can grow just due to others getting involved. Hopefully everything will be resolved quickly, sarameg.
edit: Aurelia, the pandas, polar bears and snow leopards are gorgeous. If she's an animal lover, she'd probably think it's a great gift.
Any localistas want to do trivia in Santa Monica next week?
Well, since I won't be going, I want a full report.
Thank DOG for Trader Joes, well, for the huge bars of Swiss chocolate that they sell. I am such a chocolate hound these days.