Didn't Eko's brother sign a document "officially" making him and his flunky a priest so they could get on the plane in the first place?
Yeah that's not really how it works. It's a freaking sacrament.
I'm so over this show. I think we are breaking up for real this time. (Although I'll miss the pretty people and the pretty Hawaii.)
Yeah that's not really how it works. It's a freaking sacrament.
Hee. Yeah, I meant "officially" as in "passing muster with The Big Guy."
ooh, I'd love it if he were getting the island sickness.
the catholic stuff was really, really annoying and I had to handwave it because it was Eko-related and NOTHING CAN OR WILL COME BETWEEN US.
Unless Eko went back after the heroin plane took off and officially became a priest, I don't think he can be baptizing people.
Unless he's become officially whacked out after the Lost flight crashed and really believes himself to be a priest, or close enough for the island's religious needs. I had the same thought, as well as thought #2 (Claire admits to not being baptized herself, and she sure didn't get any further religious education from Eko before getting baptized).
Also, I couldn't help but remember the recent Vatican retraction of limbo and how that impacts on the whole "Aaron's damned to hell if he's not baptized" issue that Charlie has, because as a devout Catholic, he should know that Aaron would end up in limbo, not hell (at least, as far as he knew about Catholic teachings at the time of the crash).
Unless Eko went back after the heroin plane took off and officially became a priest, I don't think he can be baptizing people.
Anyone can baptize if there's no priest available.
I don't see what difference, in their present situation, Eko's priestly credentials or lack thereof could possibly make.
Really? Interesting.
A brief google seems to indicate that it's only valid if the person is in immediate danger of death, and suggests that you want to get a priest to back up your baptism ASAP.
Yeah that's not really how it works. It's a freaking sacrament.
Well, I'm not saying a paper signed at "gunpoint" magically makes you a priest. I'm just saying that he had the paperwork, and he had his epiphany. I find it perfectly believable that in the blah years between the flashback and him ending up Australia he went through the steps necessary to make it for really real.
Of course, I'm not Catholic, so I realize I don't have the same perspective on how official everything has to be. In my Lutheran confirmation classes we were taught that any Confirmed person can perform an "emergency" baptism (such as someone converting on their death bed and there is no pastor available) if necessary so in my eyes all that's important is the person performing the ceremony does it right and has faith.
the catholic stuff was really, really annoying and I had to handwave it because it was Eko-related and NOTHING CAN OR WILL COME BETWEEN US.
Even being raised Catholic the Catholic stuff isn't bothering me. Eko is a "priest" because that was the path not followed. It really only matters if the priest and the followers believe. Of course, I could be wrong and they're all screwed when God checks the paperwork.
It really only matters if the priest and the followers believe.
In Catholicism? I'm pretty sure they're kind of strict about that sort of thing.