Terry O'Quinn is beautiful.
You are SO RIGHT.
Heh, watch the original Stepfather sometime. That's where I first saw him (or at least the first time I knew him by name) and dear lord did it make an impression in terms of viewing an actor. It's got some seriously cheesy 80s elements going on, but Terry O is awesome. And fucking scary.
Not that I've seen lately.
We get them..show ends, ads, promos for next week, then next show.
Not in the Boston market. We get promos for next week's show or another show over the end credits, and then straight to the local news.
ooh, that's excellent.
But only with the complete series? Not with the season 6 dvds?
I guess? Aka "I will look for it on YouTube."
Xposted with Press:
My recap of the Lost series finale, episode 6-17, "The End" is now up at TWoP. Read, grade, enjoy, remember, let go, namaste, my candy bar's stuck, son of a bitch, I'm dead.
Ugh. My huge recap killed the thread. I hope at least Seska skims the last few pages. I included a non-religious analogy that I hope will help quell your disappointment.
Cindy, on the contrary; reading your recap made me want to watch the episode again, so I bought it from iTunes and watched it today.
And, I must say, when Desmond was pulling the cork out of the pool in the glowy mystical cave, I never once thought
but now I will never be able to NOT think that. Thanks to you.
See -- one person CAN make a difference!