I'm lost (ha, ha). When did Rousseau die? 2004 or 2007? I am completely losing track of timelines.
Everything in the temple is now driving me loopy. For a season that promised answers, I'm not in the mood for yet more questions. Not about a situation that's just been introduced, involving people I care nothing about.
That said, I'm enjoying the other reality. I was understanding such weirdnesses as Claire trusting Kate as being bleed-through. Kate and Jack clearly recognised each other as the taxi was speeding away. I think we're meant to assume that everyone's recognising everyone, on one level or another.
I miss the reality where Artz was a splotch in the jungle. Shut up, Artz.
I'd be less fond of Artz if he was somebody I actually had to deal with -- but as the Kenny-designate of
he's pretty funny.
Did anyone think that Artz was going to be run down by a bus (or something like that?).
I keep waiting for him to die in a spectacular fashion.
So how did Claire get infected? Is Sayid infected because he came back wrong?
Did we have reason to believe that Claire was dead before she started showing up with her and Jack's dead Dad? I don't remember exactly what happened with her.
Did we have reason to believe that Claire was dead before she started showing up with her and Jack's dead Dad? I don't remember exactly what happened with her.
The house she was staying in in Dharma/Other village got blown up. Sawyer got her out of there, but it's possible (in a retconny way) that she died in the explosion but then came back wrong before Sawyer even got to her to carry her out of the house.
but then came back wrong before Sawyer even got to her to carry her out of the house.
It took a lot of work to get Sayid to come back from the dead, though. Dirty water, forced drowning, blah blah blah.
On the other hand, if it's the same "sickness" that Rousseau's crew got, it doesn't seem like you have to die to catch it.
I forget, how did Locke get off the island?
Nevermind: the Donkey Wheel.
Been marathoning Season 5. Faux!Locke, aka Smokey, aka "Esau" just made his appearance. Kinda cool knowing this now.
The ep where Locke dies. Kate is telling him no, and being an absolutely nasty bitch about it. Die, Kate.
Such a sad depressing ep. Even O'Quinn plays it as sad and pathetic.
One thing I had never wondered: does he try to kill himself because he's sad and alone, or is he hoping that Richard was right and that he had to die in order to bring everyone back, and sacrificing himself to save the rest of the losties?