I'll take Faraday and his krazy over Kate and Jack any day.
And the weird double-speak for Juliet continues in her commentary over their overall situation and her relationship with Sawyer. I do not appreciate it. Kate's back: "It's over". Faraday shows up, "it's over". Shaddup already.
and what is up with this show and bad wigs? Was Faraday using a lot more mousse and hairspray back in the day? You know, before he went stylin' with the limp greasy look?
Damn, I remember the hydrogen bomb, but can't remember the details around it now. Frell. Too much time slip (thank you PKD).
Aw, man. Tom totally called the fate of Daniel Farraday and that SUCKS! After his spiel to Jack and Kate, Tom was all, "that dude is not making it out of this episode alive."
Bummer! So long, Daniel, you greasy haired, crazy talking woobie of a fool.
don't worry, he'll time slip in again. Somehow.
I think I really love this show.
I have no fucking clue where they are going, where they are going to end up, but this is quite a ride.
After his spiel to Jack and Kate, Tom was all, "that dude is not making it out of this episode alive."
If fiction has taught me anything, it's that the poor schmuckbait who says "Any one of us could die" is ALWAYS the one that dies.
Also? I kind of love the line "I was shot by a PHYSICIST!"
I had an epiphany about a possible route for the show, but my brother called and I lost it. I assure you it was brilliant and earth-shattering.
Why does Eloise Hawkings know what she knows?
I hope this wasn't my epiphany, cuz it's not as awesome as I remember it being:
history/future is rewritten, Charlotte and Daniel don't die (which was the most of my two-glasses-of-wine-awesomeness), which on the larger scales means that the last several years of TV that we watched never happened, which is, really, not cool. Not to mention the wibbly wobbly thing of "if Daniel didn't go back and make certain things change, and they never crashed, and the freighter never came with Daniel on board, then Daniel never got caught up in the events to make them change." And we're into alternate timeline territory.