I do think it is possible to fall in love with someone in 48 days. God knows I have.
Lost 2: Tied to a Tree in a Jungle of Mystery
[NAFDA] This is where we talk about the show! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
Ok, my tape cut out right after Sawyer and Kate see the horse and start to move towards it. What happened after that?
I don't know if Sayid loved Shannon. I don't know if Kate loves Sawyer.
It's possible. Under normal circumstances I think you can fall in love in this period of time. Under emotionally intense circumstances it may take even less time. The survivors falling in love doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me.
Ana/Locke would work for me if they are going to make the show a soap.
Sheryl, after they see the horse Jack makes nice with Ana Lucia. Eko brings Locke the missing piece of training tape and they watch it together. Great scene with the contrast between these two characters. The tape says that it is a might bad thing if the computer is used for anything other that the numbers. Then Michael notices that the computer has typed "Hello" and responds of course. Computer asks "Who is this?" Michael responds with his name, and the computer asks "Dad?" The end.
DH and I became best friends in a month, and I was definitely in love by then even if I wasn't quite admitting it.
The Losties...I don't know. The time doesn't bug me, but I don't think we've seen any indication that these people really talk to each other. They're all protecting Deep Dark Secrets In Their Past, and so they're not getting to know each other on any kind of relationship-building level. Kate and Sawyer probably come closest -- at least they had that game of "I never."
And I believe Michael and Sun's friendship (and Michael and Jin's), and Charlie's feelings for Claire.
Honestly, Shannon/Sayid is the only one I'm unable to suspend disbelief for. Maybe I just disliked Shannon too much.
I had a rough time with Sayid/Shannon too, but I can accept it when I consider the unbelievable pairings I see IRL. Who knows what some people see in each other.
My wank is that Sayid had to fall in love with Shannon so we might care that she died. Personally I would have found it more emotionally upsetting if she had been killed and none of them cared.
Our local news did a profile on Maggie Grace. Why is it that they wait until the character dies before giving them press?
I had no idea she was from Columbus.
Perhaps one of Sayid's criteria for falling in love with a woman is the amount of potential grief and suffering she represents for him. From the sample of two so far, that might certainly be the case.
I'm trying to figure out the purpose behind the missing bit of film. Who would go through the effort to remove part of the film, splice it back together and leave it in the hatch, and then hide the removed film in a bible in a different hatch on the other side of the island? If you don't want people to see that part of the film, for whatever reason, you'd destroy it.
If the Others removed the section because they wanted to disable the security, why didn't they simply kill whoever was in the hatch while they were in there (since they'd have to be in the hatch in order to remove a chunk of the film in the first place) and just let the timer run out or monkey with the terminal or whatever happened that allowed Michael to type at the terminal outside of the 4-minute window?