I'm finally catching up and am having a HitG! moment: the hottie who gives Jack his condolences at the airport, where have I seen him before?
Also, I took Ben's comment about tying up loose ends to totally mean he was going to kill Penny. And as much as I'd love to see Penny or Desmond whoop his ass but good, and although that was my initial thought on what he was planning to do, I don't see Ben as failing in much of his endeavors. Then again, on the mainland he seems to be more infallible than on the island. I mean, you'd think, that if he wanted to get all the Oceanic 6 back to the island, he'd hire some goons to force them onto a private flight. Willingness was a requirement, was it?
also, the flight attendant has a wicked gorgeous voice, will we see her again?
Sayid was the one who roughed up Ben and Ben arranged this
I assumed that since Sayid said he didn't want anything to do with going back, that Ben counted on Sayid getting his hate on towards Ben. Ben goes to whereever Sayid is, talks smack about Nadia or somesuch and has John Law standing by to press charges. Why that would get him escorted onto a plane leaving the country? Dunno.
Why that would get him escorted onto a plane leaving the country?
More to the point, how would that get him sent to Guam? Opposite direction of any country to which they could deport him...
Right. But I'm well past asking for logic from the purveyors of smoke monsters, polar bears in the tropics and all that timey-whimey head twisting. Maybe Sayid has an outstanding warrant in Guam. US Territory, right?
he was an assassin for Ben, so as far as I know he could be wanted in 30 countries.
Saïd Taghmaoui! He tortured Mark Wahlberg in Three Kings. Also the prince from Hidalgo.
I feel better now.
He was VERY good in
Three Kings.
I hope he gets a featured role in the coming episodes.
He was VERY good in Three Kings.
"Hey buddy - I haven't even told you the horrible part yet."