HOLY SHIT! Jack would have shot Locke right in front of everyone. Whoa.
Really, that was awesome.
Overall I enjoyed it. It was fun to see the sweaty rained on lostees again. Hurley's vision of Charlie was interesting.
They have this opportunity to drop all the crap that didn't work and do-over with new shiny mysteries. As long as we don't end up with a big ass floating red ball it should be fun.
Drives me batshit that Jack's real beard is grey and the fake beard is black. Not that tough to get a fake grey beard. They did it for Tom!
Supposedly they're going to repeat the last week's episode prior to the new one - so you can catch up next week at 7 Central.
Man, poor Hurley. And were we supposed to recognize the people from the helicopter? (Because I didn't.)
I didn't, either. Was the 'shock' in the end that the helicopter guy used Jack's name, or did I miss something really important.
I was glad to see that we opened with a Hurley-centric episode... and gosh, the ep just moved along fast in a very satisfying way.
thanks sumi. Looks like we'll be watching a week behind then.
I recognized the actor, Jeremy Davies, but I don't think we've seen him before.
I was confused by what was supposed to be shocking about the helicopter guy, too, and thought I was supposed to have know him.
I thought Charlie looked nice in his ghost appearance.
Ghost!Charlie did look really sharp.
Theodosia - I was just thinking how nice that we opened with a Hurley-centric episode. (I remember last year how sick we were of Jack and the season open and closed with Jack-centric episodes.)
I recognized the actor, Jeremy Davies,
Thank you! I could not remember who that was.
Okay, I gave Lost another shot and eh. While I enjoyed the Hurley in the future stuff, I had to fast forward through all the stupidity at the end. I mean, I know these people are all traumatized and what not but can't they make any kind of logical arguments anymore?
And then I had nightmares about that freaky Blair Witch cabin.
So, I think I'm just going to have to follow along in here. oh well!
I had completely forgotten that the top of the Island folks didn't know that Charlie was dead so when Rose made that comment to Claire I was startled.