Oh, thanks, Kevin. I hadn't seen that, though I'd read about the Numbers on Wikipedia or Lostpedia or whatever. Iiinteresting.
For those who haven't seen
though: Rachel Blake at Comic-Con. I wish we hadn't gotten to San Diego too late and missed the panel, even though I would've been terribly confused and thought she was some deranged fan.
Bwah - yes. I'm surprised so much of the audience seem to get it. There's another Rachel Blake thingy here where she meets the Hanso bloke: [link]
OMG! My sister-in-law was out shopping and saw John Locke buying wine at the Chesapeake Gourmet Deli!!!!
So he
get off the Island!
Finally caught up. I have nothing new to say.
HA, I knew it was a flash-forward, except they faked me out a little.
I would sort of like Jack's dad to be alive, because we might get some resolution for whether dead people stay dead on that island.
Poor Charlie. Good death.
Hurley rules all.
Days later. Yes, I finally watched the finale tonight then did the big threadsuck.
I'm lame. I totally didn't get the flash-forward until late in the game.
The Chief of Surgery would know the dead or alive status of the former Chief of Surgery. It seems to me that in this particular line of reality Jack's dad is alive. Jack seems determined that this is not how things should be and Kate seems perfectly fine with life at the moment.
In conclusion: A huge number of doors have opened that allow for a lovely number of options for the remaining seasons.
Dear Lost PTB,
You have an awesome opportunity here to give us some fine quality entertainment for many episodes to come. Do us right, please.
Thank you ever so much for your attention to detail.
All the best,
Okay, over at TWOP somebody said that they saw Cindy on an episode of
Take Home Chef
(Sorry, Cindy -- I should have been more specific. Although - are you well-known to the Twoppers? And if it had been you, I think I would have mentioned it in Natter, or Bitches and wondered why you hadn't posted it in Beep Me.)
(And it probably wouldn't hurt to ask where I got my hands on extra strength Ativan, to get the nerve to go on TV.)