There's also a translation of what fall-from-sky girl (Naomi) said -- the line that Eye-Patch translated as, "Thank you." Since the line aired, I think it's fair game here, but it's early and my judgment might be way off, so I won't repeat it. I'll just link. I found it in one of Kristin's articles at E (with extra reporting by jengod).
FUTURE SPOILERS: The last paragraph (with the heading "What Lies Ahead:") has a non-detailed spoiler about something coming up with one of the others.
I didn't pay attention to the links in the sidebars, or to the comments, so I don't know if there are any spoilerish things there for Lost or other shows. If so they're pretty unobtrusive -- or at least nothing stuck out at me.
The translation of Naomi's line appeared in an article containing Lindeloff's answer to Kristin's question, "Okay, now are they in Purgatory?" Answer here: [link] In general, the piece is about the episode that just aired.