Any episode that features a lot of Hurley is fine by me.
Actually, that's a still a stupid reason for Desmond to call everybody "Brother." And, um, isn't getting fired as a monk likely to involve a lot more fuss and bother? Like, doesn't Rome get involved at some point?
Clearly, Helicopter!Girl was sent by Penny.
I enjoyed, but was a bit impatient with the whole thing. The journey dragged when we had the repeated prophecy dream. But the fun moments were quite fun. Jin's ghost story totally cracked me up.
Really, you'd think that packing an umbrella for cross-jungle treks would be routine by now. It
rains. You could put it in your pack right next to the machete.
It is perhaps wrong of me to enjoy the rain scenes so much. Actors getting all wet on the job just makes me laugh and laugh.
The scoteesh flashbacks. Yes. Accents of doom!
Clearly, Helicopter!Girl was sent by Penny.
This is my take as well. My kittens are also on the writers using Helicopter!Girl to let everyone know they are aware how ridiculous the show has gotten as the LOSTies exposition her up to speed.
I love reading this thread without watching the eps. It's so much more entertaining!
You might try watching without audio. Some of the visuals were fun.
Often, I read the thread first, then watch the episode. It's like a game.
I love reading this thread without watching the eps. It's so much more entertaining!
Totally. As are reading the TWOP re-caps without watching the episode. It saves me so much frustration. (To quote a wise man: "Just stop watching and the pain will go away. I promise.")