it reminded me of the first season when things were still good.
I'm wondering. Was the first season any better, quality-wise, episode by episode, then what we're getting now? Or is it just that it was a better experience since it was shiny and new, and people are just tired of the ride now?
I think it was a lot better quality-wise. I watched the first 15 minutes of the pilot this morning and I was still captivated. There were some bad eps the first season, but it was really interesting and I liked the characterization.
There is so much since that's been contradictory. It is hard to go back to season 2 and watch it with as much enthusiasm.
it's probably a little bit of both, P-C. i was never really all that invested in Alias and so when people were predicting that Lost would turn out to be much the same, it didn't really mean anything to me. hindsight. she is 20/20.
It occurred to me that, given that I'd heard there were a lot of extremely negative reactions to Nikki and Paolo being shoe-horned into the beach group after 3 seasons, that we may have just seen LOST'S unironic remake of the Poochie episode of THE SIMPSONS.
Frank, I never saw the Poochie episode of THE SIMPSONS, but it seems they were written off due to negative reaction (and yay for that). [link]
Frank, I never saw the Poochie episode of THE SIMPSONS, but it seems they were written off due to negative reaction (and yay for that).
Which is perzactly what the Poochie episode was about.
I really liked this episode maybe the most of this year, so far. Noting the sparing usage of Jack, especially.
What's with throwing perfectly good diamonds into a grave though? Couldn't you at least use them for poker chips?
Which is perzactly what the Poochie episode was about.
(Note: Nikki and Paolo died on the way back to their home planet.)
Noting the sparing usage of Jack, especially.
Oh, ditto. I actually thought I liked Jack near the beginning of the season, but I've noticed since he's stopped being on screen, I'm enjoyin' it. The tatoo episode probably damaged things for me, too.
From's April 1st page -- TV Review: "Exposé" Shows Plenty, Doesn't Reveal Enough:
“Exposites,” as loyal viewers of the American-Australian coproduction dub themselves, have been waiting for nearly more than two years for some resolution to the fourth-season cliffhanger, in which rookie recruit Corvette (Nikki Fernandez) was murdered by the series’ recurring villain The Cobra, revealed at last as the girls’ suave nightclub-owning boss, Mr. LeShade (Billy Dee Williams). Production on the fifth season of this critic-proof guilty pleasure was delayed by the sudden, tragic death of creator and executive produer Howard L. Zukerman shortly after the fourth season wrapped. Mere weeks later, Ms. Fernandez, who reportedly had no plans to return to the show despite her character’s popularity with fans, boarded the notorious Oceanic Airlines Flight 815.
Cute, but this phrase:
have been waiting for nearly more than two years
bugs the bejesus out of me.
So that would be... two years, then?