I enjoyed it, too, simply for the WTF factor at first, and then the (very brief) glimpses into others' perspectives of the island and the survivors' predicament.
Also, nothing can beat sweaty, shirtless Sawyer, and sweaty, shirtless Sawyer getting punched by Sun. Wheee!
Hurley's eulogies are always worth a ticket, too.
I hate to say it, but this is one of the few episodes that kept me entertained the whole way through. whodathunkit?
It was so fucking bizarre! It definitely kept me wondering what the hell was going to happen next, and how it would all end.
Nikki's cleavage didn't hurt.
I'm wondering what the point of it all was, though. Besides shoving a retcon in our face. It didn't really serve any purpose in the overall plotline, did it? We didn't learn anything important or new or special? Besides that one interesting conversation with Ben and Juliet?
Does anyone have the DVDs? Was the actress who played Nikki really in the pilot? I remember Boone asking for a pen, but did we ever see who he asked?
I have the dvds but I'm not going to check now.
Oh, over at TWOP somebody pointed out that when Peter Talbot stops by Locke's apartment (last week's episode) - Locke is watching Expose.
Okay, from my recollection Boone asked several people if they had pens and most of the asking was done off-screen.
Let me check the pilot....
Okay, I actually watched the first 15 minutes of the pilot again and that's what happened. There were a bunch of people milling around and the chaos was actually seen through Jack's eyes, so there could be any number of unknowns running around.
Man, I still love Lost the first season. That's some quality tv right there.
It occurred to me that, given that I'd heard there were a lot of extremely negative reactions to Nikki and Paolo being shoe-horned into the beach group after 3 seasons, that we may have just seen LOST'S unironic remake of the Poochie episode of THE SIMPSONS.
I fell asleep during the episode last night (the new hour is killing me). I'm catching up now, and just re-watched the scene that made me go all meta while watching. It takes place right after they've found Paulo's "body".
HURLEY: I'm with Jin; it's the monster.
SAWYER: Yeah, because that makes the most sense.
HURLEY: It does! Locke said when Eko died, his last words were, "You're next," and Nikki and Paulo were with them. He was talking about them.
SAWYER: He wasn't saying, "You're next," about them. He was saying, "You're next," as in "You're
HURLEY: Yeah, that's not really better.
SAWYER: All right, so here's how I see it: we wanna know what happened -- we gotta find out whatever we can about these Jabonies.
JIN: Jabonies?
SAWYER: Nina and Pablo.
HURLEY: Dude, show some respect. You know their names; it's Nikki and Paulo.
Tell me the writers weren't shouting out to or mocking the fandom, there.
you know why i think i liked last night? it reminded me of the first season when things were still good. i did roll my eyes a bit at them finding the hatch and such, but it was neat to see all that old footage with them in it.