I'm so glad Ultimate Drew is still writing for this show -- now THERE's a man who understands continuity! The Ben/Locke dynamic ("because I'm in a wheelchair, and you're not") was very nicely played.
Ben must have adopted Alex. I thought Danielle's daughter died though. I've always found that confusing.
I think Danielle had decided that thinking of Alex as dead was easier than thinking of her as taken by The Others.
as Locke went through the window, I heard Angel's voice asking "Can you fly?"
Yes! Also, I wanted Darla to be the one in the box, but I guess that would have been asking too much...
Jessica! Completely OT, but I love your tag. We've got the Big Book in the classroom, and, after reading it, I had to get that as an icon for LJ.
I have no thoughts on Lost.
On the plus side - they finally answered one of our questions.
OMG this is hilarious -- Lost: Writers Room.
Haaaaaaaaa. I'm not one of those people who thinks the room is remotely like that, but it's still funny.
I think the room is exactly like that, only the real writers are far less stressed out about it.
And there's quite a few more crack pipes in use.
That's how they keep the stress down.
Maybe a hash pipe instead, then.
I am all but convinced that Locke's father is the real Sawyer.
I think you called this months ago. It does make a lot of sense.
I hope to actually see the episode this weekend. It helps to get the review in advance so I know whether or not to hurry.