I am all but convinced that Locke's father is the real Sawyer.
I think you called this months ago. It does make a lot of sense.
I hope to actually see the episode this weekend. It helps to get the review in advance so I know whether or not to hurry.
Heh. I'm in the same boat. (Adrift off
island, in fact.)
passes Theodosia some coconut wine
I said, "Who the hell is Nikki" just before Sawyer.
Hee! So did Mr. Jane. He had to say "Right!?!" right after.
It's minor character week!
Nice. Try to remind us of the good old days when a guy got sucked into a jet.
It's like they're going "SEE! SEE! SHE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME!" @@
And they're all dead!
I hear this in Eddie Izzard's voice.
I am still working on why they're introducing characters who are ALREADY DEAD when the episode begins.
Also, shouldn't everyone know everyone else's name by now? Okay, maybe not Sawyer, but still. There aren't *that* many people there.
I hate the feeling that I now watch this show to mock it.