Juliet's ex was also a terrorist after Jack Bauer on 24. (Day 2, I think.)
Cindy -- I was thinking that Ben had raised Alex too -- and that she is NOT Ben's bio-daughter. BTW, do we think that Ben is his real name? Isn't it odd that both of Juliet's exes are named Ben?
I thought Juliet's ex in Miami was named Edmund?
You mean I made up the two Bens all on my own?
I was confused due to the Ed Danvers thing, I'm sure.
I was confused due to the Ed Danvers thing, I'm sure.
Or possibly by Glorificus.
Juliet's ex was actually named Ed, which I also found confusing because of the Ed Danvers thing.
I'm spacing - who's Ed Danvers?
The guy's character on Homicide.
The guy, of course, has an incredibly hard to spell name.
t goes to IMDB
Zeljko Ivanek.
Hee. Juliette's ex was named "Ed" and the only reason I remember is because of the Ed Danvers thing.
Frank, the actor who played Ed last night also played a character named Ed Danvers -- a D.A. (I think) on
Does erika watch
and read this thread? I ask, because I feel like we just custom made that Xpost for her.
Ah, that explains it. Still haven't done the HOMICIDE thing.
I know, I know - believe me, it's on the list (along with too many other shows I missed the first time around).