CUSE: Whether or not you learn more about it will depend on how obsessive you are. If you enjoy recording the program and studying individual frames, you might. But really, is that healthy?
Yeah... no thanks.
If someone figures out the
I'd be interested in knowing what it is, but not enough to try studying the tape myself.
P-C, the actor has also been on Law & Order multiple times, X-files (he played twins), and was on Homicide until the character's wife/fiancee was offed.
Ha! I probably shouldn't find the bus so funny, huh?
I know I laughed really loud for about a minute. Plus, I hated his character so much on OZ that it was a great delayed payback moment.
I found the conditioning scene very creepy, though I was amused that Sawyer started to get hypnotised by it.
So if Alex is Ben's daughter, does that mean Danielle was Ben's wife/lover? Might explain why they leave her running around loose. But I thought she claimed to have killed Alex's father, and all her cow-orkers? Of course, she is nuts, so she may just think that (or they conditioned her to think that).
I suspect Alex's boyfriend's brainwashing may play into things later.
So if Alex is Ben's daughter, does that mean Danielle was Ben's wife/lover? Might explain why they leave her running around loose. But I thought she claimed to have killed Alex's father, and all her cow-orkers? Of course, she is nuts, so she may just think that (or they conditioned her to think that).
Maybe he's not her biological father. Maybe he raised her. I mean, they seem to be interested in Juliette because of her repro research, and we know the Others have taken children right along.
Juliet's ex was also a terrorist after Jack Bauer on 24. (Day 2, I think.)
Cindy -- I was thinking that Ben had raised Alex too -- and that she is NOT Ben's bio-daughter. BTW, do we think that Ben is his real name? Isn't it odd that both of Juliet's exes are named Ben?
I thought Juliet's ex in Miami was named Edmund?
You mean I made up the two Bens all on my own?
I was confused due to the Ed Danvers thing, I'm sure.
I was confused due to the Ed Danvers thing, I'm sure.
Or possibly by Glorificus.
Juliet's ex was actually named Ed, which I also found confusing because of the Ed Danvers thing.
I'm spacing - who's Ed Danvers?