Didn't his victims have, like, massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage or something?
Yep. It was gross.
JoA: The 2nd season really was two distinct things. The Judith arc and the lawsuit arc all end at about the same time halfway thru the season. Queen of the Zombies subtly starts the next arc. And the final ep really should've been the season 3 premiere.
EW says this week's Lost is really good and actually answers some questions. I'm not sure if I believe them.
don't believe them, but I'll still TiVo it. I'm sure Lost will suffer in comparison when I watch Friday Night Lights before it, because FNL is a show with a ridiculously pretty cast in which stuff actually happens and has consequences.
I'm sure Lost will suffer in comparison when I watch Friday Night Lights before it, because FNL is a show with a ridiculously pretty cast in which stuff actually happens and has consequences.
So true. It's one of the few shows that make me look forward to the day when it's on. Heroes is almost that way, but nothing
can make me wish it would be Monday.
I've heard from several people that
kicks Lost's ass, mostly by answering questions all the time, and then just raising new ones. I really must Find a way to catch up on Heroes.
I think there is some sort of seasonal summary of Heroes on iTunes, Sean. It also wouldn't be a terrible idea to just jump in with the next episode and catch up down the road.
I think NBC has all of Heroes online for free.
I should do just that, because I'm so over Lost, and have been for a while. I just don't care any more.
I figured NBC would have all the eps. Someday, when I have a moment or two that isn't being eaten by the theater (about to start 12 hour+ day number 4 today....) I'll have to start catching up.
And just watch the show next Monday.
Not all, but a lot: They\'ve got the pilot, and then Eps 9-14 (last night\'s). [link]