I love the butt genie! It's just such a pure example of WTF?!?!? that I can't help loving it.
As far as I'm concerned, "Jumping the Shark" has been replaced by "Pulling a genie out of their butt" as a term for a show going off the rails. Anything that makes a Jesus banana slug look benign by comparison has some primo WTF?!?!??! going for it.
....um, what show featured someone pulling a genie out of their butt? Because...because you sound like you're talking about an
occurance, rather than a metaphor.
::is worried::
::is worried::
Be ascared. Be very ascared.
Technically the genie was crawling in and out, rather than being pulled, but since it was THE signature example of X-Files writers getting into the Monkey Crack, the phrase stands.
He ate his victims. Starting from the bottom. Literally.
I just watched the Butt Genie ep last night. For those who haven't seen it... Frank's description is apt, Vonnie's is funny but incorrect.
For JoA fans, the Butt Genie ep includes a young Luke Girardi as the boy Scully thought she was shooting.
Oh, Joan! Dh and I started re-watching season 1, Sunday night, when we realized BSG wasn't on. So so good. Barbara Hall has a new pilot that's been greenlit (I think) --
I believe it's about an exorcist.
Like Jess, I'm inclined to think that if
had stayed on indefinite hiatus, it would have taken me a long time to notice. That said, I seem to be a little excited it's coming back, and I can't imagine why. I'm not particularly married to the show, but I got a little thrill when I realized it started back up this week. Of course, I have been home with sick kids for a couple of weeks, so it's not taking much to thrill me.
I think I'm starting to appreciate
sadist bent.
I recently re-watched the entire series, Cindy. I can't believe I missed Queen of the Zombies when it aired! Awsome! And the entire Judith arc is better on re-watch. Sadly, the same cannot be said of the Annie Potts arc.
Thanks for falling on the sword and rewatching the ep for all of us, aurelia! I've only watched the "Badlaa" once, and its badness has taken on a rather mythical quality. I knew I was kind of making up the "eat you from the bottom" bit. Heh.
Didn't his victims have, like, massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage or something? I just remember it was gross. And sadly, even the presence of young Luke Girardi, much as I love him (and I love him THIIIIIIIS MUCH), wouldn't be able to convince me to watch it again.
I liked quite a bit of S2 of Joan, until they character-assassinated Adam (and I really don't use that phrase lightly.) Then the godawful Duff sisters episodes finished the job. In my head, the show ended with.... errm, "Friday Night" or "Queen of Zombies" or that one with Grace's bat mitzbah, whichever is the latest. I still crack open "Jump" and watch it when I'm feeling down. It never fails to cheer me up, especially that closing Rube Golberg montage.
As for "Lost", I still haven't decided if I'm watching it yet. Eh.
Judith was better? I will have to remember that. I believe I cheered when she died, even though I really kind of like Sprague Grayden. We got Season 2 for Christmas, but decided to start the re-watch with season 1. We did skip the episode where Joan builds a boat (I think it's just called "The Boat") because we saw it a million times when we first started watching, but we're planning to watch straight through. I can't remember if I liked Queen of the Zombies, or not. It'll be interesting to see it a second time. I'm a little excited for Hall's new series.