Holy shit, I just read the EW story with Lindelof, Cruz, Abrams, and King. That was some seriously depressing shit. No wonder the good shit is on HBO and Showtime. How do true writers who care about their craft put up with network interference like that?
"Dave" (the Hurley ep from last season) had to be rewritten because ABC thought it might advance an explanation for the whole show (e.g. it is all happening in Hurley's head).
I still think D&C are hacks (this is mostly because of the podcasts - they are assholes on the podcasts), but I'm disturbed by just how much ABC interferes. I know networks could be bad, but I didn't realize they were this bad.
Is the EW story/interview online?
I don't think it is. I just looked on ew.com.
that's the one! The King interview in EW where they're basically admitting that the show is no longer theirs (or maybe that was "in between the lines").
The impression that I got was that if they decided to take the show on a more end-in-sight path (and where I'd assume would mean getting the show back on track and worthwhile), they'd be sacked. Or overruled.
Okay, I just convinced myself to stop watching someone else's job security.
So long, Lost!
Ack. If anyone knows of any Lost LJ or board that scans magazine articles, and you come across the EW interview le nubian and Juliebird at talking about, I'd love a link.
It's a really long article, or else I'd transcribe it. Hmmm, shoulda put a scanner on my X-mas list.
hmm. let me see if I can scan it and put it somewhere. Is there someone with a website that I could send it to if I scan it?
I've got dreamsofthespider.com
Lemme figure out how to set up the ftp thingamabob (unless someone beats me to it!)
Erm, well, more proof that I really shouldn't have a "website", since I can't figure out how to let other people upload. But the space is there if you want to email a scan to iamthefly at dreamsofthespider.com and I'll upload it.
thanks for the offer, I figured it out using google pages.
Okay folks, two things:
1) please do not make fun of the website. It is basic and has no style. :-)
2) please do not link this or distribute the file outside of this site.
Ready? [link]
OMG, like, that site has, like, no style and is
Google is our friend (thanks to Willow for turning me on to it *g*)
thanks for getting that article up, now I'll be able to find out if I'm reading
too much into it.
I mean, I guess it lets the creators off the hook, but the end result is still a compromised show.