Well, Danny is looking to kill *somebody* in vengence for Colleen, and since Sawyer got the jump on him at the rockpile and gave him a beat-down, he's elected Sawyer as the vengence shootee. I think. Otherwise, I got nothin'.
I buy "Danny" instead of "Daddy." I just didn't remember his name was Danny.
Just read this over on the FF OB for Freckles:
But, a little unfair, since she has more expressions than JamSaw and his one Glare For Every Occasion.
Did we know that Kate blew up her dad? She mentions to "Kevin" (maybe that's not *his* real name, either! I was actually hoping it'd end up being a sting--would have been much more interesting) that's why she's a fugitive.
And her dad's Clancy Brown, right? If only I cared more about this show, maybe I would remember these things.
Aww, Nathan, you really need to stop kissin' 'em on the mouth. Well, except for me. Me you can kiss on the mouth. I promise not to drug you.
Una, yes, we knew Kate blew up her father. And Clancy Brown was the guy who turned Sayid into a good torturer and then later wound up on the island in the hatch pressing the button. He's the one who took Desmond in when he crashed into the island.
Did we know that Kate blew up her dad?
yes, in season two, but we were told it was her stepdad.
Except we learned in that same episode that the "step dad" was her real biological father while the men she grew up with as "Dad" was still overseas when Kate was concieved.
oh that's right! i had completely forgotten that.
Thus apparently explaining her need to turn "stepdad" into a charcoal briquette, whereas being a drunken abusive lout that beat her mother and put the moves on her wasn't enough motivation.WTF?
Matt, I think she just wasn't going to let the little technicality of him being her actual biological father get in the way of freeing her mother from him.
I haven't rewatched that episode of
and it's been a long time since it aired, but wasn't it either shown or strongly implied the actual bio dad raped or otherwise molested Kate? It seems to me finding out he was her bio dad, and that he'd known he was her bio dad, coupled with her desire to free her mom, probably explains her decision to blow him up.