So, does Desmond have precognition -- or is he visiting from the future.
His real name is
Hiro Nakamura
My thing with the island - how could the Losties have not seen a WHOLE OTHER BIG HONKING ISLAND next to theirs (maybe Dracula's around)? Especially Sun, Jin and Sayid, who sailed around their own island? Do the Others have a cloaking device? (That would explain a lot, atually)
Well, cloaking devices now exist -- so TOTALLY possible.
It's like they're trying to make us give up in disgust.
I watched. I didn't care enough to take my laptop out of the case to post.
I watched because I like the people and I like the setting. I'd like to have more reasons to watch, but I don't.
For instance, why was the revelation about Sawyer's daughter important last night? To get to that, we missed out on any scenes with Sayid and Jin and Sun. I mean, if Ben and the others know about Clementine, surely they could have written that bit in when the time came (as in, if the Others are planning on using the knowledge somehow).
I think the cast has gotten too big for them to juggle all the plot points, and relying on the flashbacks to provide characterization is interrupting the flow of the present-day plot. You know. What there is of it.
I think I dozed thru most of it. Apparantly I missed the other island. That does it, taking Lost off of my Tivo list. So many programs, so little plot.
Especially Sun, Jin and Sayid, who sailed around their own island?
It's on the other other side of the island. The invisible one.
I burst out laughing at the "next week, everything changes!" promo. How can everything change when we have no idea what the status quo even is?
It's like they're trying to make us give up in disgust.
They're succeeding.
I burst out laughing at the "next week, everything changes!" promo. How can everything change when we have no idea what the status quo even is?
Maybe they'll actually explain one of the kerjillion WTF points. That would be a HUGE change.
Perhaps, next week a HELICOPTOR will fall on the OTHERS and everyone can escape.
I burst out laughing at the "next week, everything changes!" promo. How can everything change when we have no idea what the status quo even is?
Ditto, in fact we have no idea if the status quo even is.
For instance, why was the revelation about Sawyer's daughter important last night? To get to that, we missed out on any scenes with Sayid and Jin and Sun. I mean, if Ben and the others know about Clementine, surely they could have written that bit in when the time came (as in, if the Others are planning on using the knowledge somehow).
Sawyer will work the system to protect those he loves, even though he'll never let them know that he's doing it?