I just watched my tape of the ep, and -- I just so don't give a damn anymore, and here's why:
You have to throw me a freaking BONE (or fish biscuit) once in a while, people! All the WTF and all the mystery and all the entangled backstories -- do you realize that pretty much NOTHING has yet been explained, not even a tiny little bit?!?
It's like this big long protracted tease, and I can't take it any more. I need a show that's going to do more than tease. Second base, at least.
That said, re: last night's episode, Juliet scares the crap out of me. I think she's the one with all the power.
Also, I think that Sun *thinks* that Jin knows about the affair, but I don't think that Jin really does.
And I cheered when Sun shot the woman on the boat. When shot!woman looked all shocked, I wanted Sun to ask her, "What did I say, bitch??? What did I *just* SAY???"
I might have said the wrong gun thing.
No, it was a semiautomatic. I was confused at the time by what Sayid said, which is why I remembered it this long.
I agree with most everything Steph just said. I have a friend who keeps saying "You want all the mystery gone? All the questions answered?"
Dude, any question would be a start.
Well, we know why the plane crashed.
And I cheered when Sun shot the woman on the boat. When shot!woman looked all shocked, I wanted Sun to ask her, "What did I say, bitch??? What did I *just* SAY???"
I was kinda hoping after that scene, when the woman had said (wtteo) "You wouldn't kill anyone Sun." that we'd flash back and find out that Sun had indeed pushed her lover out the window.
I don't know how many of you ever watched any soaps whose fans were inexplicably handed over to James Reilly to be tortured for years on end, but
is just like that. They should have kept Big Daddy Fury, and listened to him. And yet? I can't stop watching.
At this point, I'd almost rather have no payoff to having a bad or contradictory payoff.
Well, we know why the plane crashed.
do we really?
You know, I thought about that this morning in the shower. Things that have been -- as far as we know -- answered are:
(1) Why the numbers needed to be entered.
(2) Why the plane crashed.
Unless they were both big fakey fakeouts that were part of the Others' psych experiments.
That's my main beef with the show -- I feel like every time they seem to be moving the plot forward, it's with a big "....or IS IT????" at the end. Ditto with character backstories. "And now you know why Jack is such a joyless tightass with no sense of fun...or DO YOU????"
Why do the numbers need to be entered, though?