Okay, I thought it was hilarious that they mirrored the beginning of last year's premiere.
But...what? They have all these fucking
out there. What was with all the huts and shacks, then? They have dresses and bacon and Stephen King novels? WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY GETTING ALL THIS SHIT FROM? How did they get all that information on Jack? As the Others get more and more omnipotent and omniscient, it stops feeling cool and starts feeling lazy.
I'm really not sure what the hell is going on, and that's okay. They do know how to keep us on our toes.
Do the names Juliet and Ben mean anything? Have we heard them before?
I watched. I'm giving this two more episodes. I'm starting to get annoyed. I feel like I'm pushing the button and all I'm getting is a fucking fish biscuit.
Oh Cashmere, were it not for the spoiler, I'd COMM this. To heck with it. I'll COMM it with white font.
This just keeps getting wierder. First question, if these guys have all of this sophistication, why are they letting Danielle run around loose?
quester, who the heck is Danielle? I feel so stupid. I watched the whole episode, and didn't fall asleep or anything.
Do the names Juliet and Ben mean anything? Have we heard them before?
Juliet Capulet and Ben Franklin? I don't know, but I doubt the writers do either. As far as I'm concerned, Fury was so right about the plan being there is no plan.
Juliet Lewis. Ben Edlund.
Juliet Mills and Ben Stiller.
I've basically taken the view that I just don't care that much about the extra stuff. As I said to G last night, if it's not onscreen, it's not important to me. I'll be damned if I'm gonna go to ten thousand websites to get some "information" which really doesn't matter in the long run.
(I am also a survivor of X-Files, so I take all "we have this planned out well in advance" talk with a huge grain of salt)
Cindy, Danielle was the crazy lady who tortured Sayid and stole Claire's baby.
Heck, I knew it was going to be so boring I played a computer game while I watched. I don't think I missed anything important from what I could see. And I'm getting very frustrated with such a slow payoff. They could resolve at least
story line per episode.
quester, who the heck is Danielle? I feel so stupid. I watched the whole episode, and didn't fall asleep or anything.
She wasn't in the episode - she's the crazy French woman.
I am also a survivor of X-Files, so I take all "we have this planned out well in advance" talk with a huge grain of salt
To quote the Muppets: "Yepyepyepyepyepyepyepyep".
Despite the obfuscation, I enjoyed it, which I consider to be an achievment given that it was yet. Another. Jackstory. Epidose (heh, I'm going to leave the typo).
I don't know -- I always enjoy the show while it's on, but much like the X-Files, I've given up on the overall payoff making sense.
The opening was interesting, but yeah, WTF? Why are they pretending to be living in huts when they've clearly got electricity and blah blah? And the question about Danielle is really valid -- why let her run around the island when they could clearly capture and keep her?
That said, the most interesting thing to me was: the different means of imprisonment for Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. Smacks of psychological experimentation, although I doubt it will pay off. And how are they underwater in the aquarium?!
Henry Gale/Ben is obviously the leader, but Juliet has to have some authority if she can smacktalk him at book group. (I can't believe I just typed that.) If anything, their interaction intrigued me the most.
And, much as I hate to admit it, I still like Jack. Yeah, he's kind of crazy obsessive, and self-involved in a very weird "I have to save the world!" way, but I just want to snuggle him. (Okay, not "just.")
I know what the secret to
is! It's to see how many men the show can get us to woobify! Woobie-woobie.