quester, who the heck is Danielle? I feel so stupid. I watched the whole episode, and didn't fall asleep or anything.
She wasn't in the episode - she's the crazy French woman.
I am also a survivor of X-Files, so I take all "we have this planned out well in advance" talk with a huge grain of salt
To quote the Muppets: "Yepyepyepyepyepyepyepyep".
Despite the obfuscation, I enjoyed it, which I consider to be an achievment given that it was yet. Another. Jackstory. Epidose (heh, I'm going to leave the typo).
I don't know -- I always enjoy the show while it's on, but much like the X-Files, I've given up on the overall payoff making sense.
The opening was interesting, but yeah, WTF? Why are they pretending to be living in huts when they've clearly got electricity and blah blah? And the question about Danielle is really valid -- why let her run around the island when they could clearly capture and keep her?
That said, the most interesting thing to me was: the different means of imprisonment for Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. Smacks of psychological experimentation, although I doubt it will pay off. And how are they underwater in the aquarium?!
Henry Gale/Ben is obviously the leader, but Juliet has to have some authority if she can smacktalk him at book group. (I can't believe I just typed that.) If anything, their interaction intrigued me the most.
And, much as I hate to admit it, I still like Jack. Yeah, he's kind of crazy obsessive, and self-involved in a very weird "I have to save the world!" way, but I just want to snuggle him. (Okay, not "just.")
I know what the secret to
is! It's to see how many men the show can get us to woobify! Woobie-woobie.
That said, the most interesting thing to me was: the different means of imprisonment for Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. Smacks of psychological experimentation, although I doubt it will pay off. And how are they underwater in the aquarium?!
Yeah, I did like that part (I was a psych-major in college, so big surprise there). Riley Finn would have approved.
Want to bet "Chachi" was putting on an act to gain Sawyer's trust?
Want to bet "Chachi" was putting on an act to gain Sawyer's trust?
That's what I thought! That everything was an act, that he was there to test how Sawyer would behave, blah blah.
I did like the fish biscuits. Funny.
I did like the fish biscuits. Funny.
That, and "It only took the bears two hours." Somewhere, Stephen Colbert felt a great disturbance in the Force.
Smacks of psychological experimentation, although I doubt it will pay off.
Juliet's attitude to Jack was very "behavior modification," I thought. They're trying to break him of his stubbornness. I'm wondering if they're going to try to incorporate the three of them into the Others.
I was intrigued by how fluidly things went into action when they saw the plane coming over. How many various conveyances have ended up on that island, that they had a procedure to infiltrate.
God, I'm caring and I don't know why. Damn you JJ!
The one thing I will say for this show is that, however slowly, it does always keep moving forward. There's never a chance that things will reset and we'll be back to a "normal" episode next week.
HOWEVER, the psych experiments were really annoying to me -- they're prisoners of the Others who are either Hanso or ex-Hanso, OF COURSE THEY'RE DOING PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS ON THEM. I felt like we got the only "reveal" in the teaser, when we saw Other!Suburbia. And then...Henry's real name is Ben. Ooooooooooooooooh.
I just hate feeling like I'm a part of the psychological experiement. How long can they keep us watching without telling us shit--that's the real experiement.