Vincent rules
My daughter and I both shouted "VINCENT" when we saw him.
though I can't help thinking that right after someone else needed narcotics is a bad time to clean house
Exactly what I said to my daughter. Also that Locke saw him doing it. Good call back to the "The Moth".
Do you think she knows that her mother is on the island?
I don't even remember how old Danielle said Alex was when the others took her. She may not --- but since Not!Henry knew about "that woman" I'm betting that Alex knows something about her but maybe not that she's her mother.
We had to slo-mo through the flash cuts in the preveiw to look at the closeup of the key that was being turned to see if it had the Dharma logo on it and it does. I swear, the Hanso Foundation "logo'd" everything!
Didn't Rousseau catch "Henry" in one of her nets? I assumed that "that woman" was a reference to that.
Alex could be interesting. Anyone who apologizes before knocking you out I want to know more about.
Does the Hanso website do anything? I just get the compass needle swinging about, but I often have browser related difficulties with sites not behaving correctly.
I don't think taking the blood was a head game. If they're trying to make Michael believe that they're poorly armed and living in huts, why would they expose the fact that they have a blood lab?
This is part and parcel of the head game. They're poor, and living in tents, but have zip lock bags, and needles, and full names of a handful of Michael's cast-aways, and they don't want Walt to say anything, but they let him talk. Head games.
I'm not sure I understand your definition or the point of your "head games". Is it still a head game if they really wanted to test Michael's blood? Given Walt's special abilities, testing the dad's blood makes sense.
I'm not sure Walt has special abilities. There's a mechanasmokeasaurus and polar bears on that island. I think it's all head games, and by that, I'd say I meant 'psychological experiment' except I think that's too respectable a term.
But then why all the Hanso website and such?
I'm not sure Walt has special abilities
The bird thing at his mother's house was just coincidence?
I do wonder if the astral projection (with Shannon) was actually Walt's abilities, or the Others fucking around with a hologram (or something). Because how else would they know?
Michael never saw Walt when he was somewhere else, right? Just Shannon.