I wouldn't be surprised if Libby has survived. She had her bag in front of her, which could have contained cans or other metal thingies that would have lessened the force of the bullets.
I thought she was carrying blankets for her picnic with Hurley. Though we did only see bullet holes in the blankets instead of her.
Wasn't she supposed to be getting drinks too?
I don't know if y'all noticed, but the Hanso Corporation commercial had a disclaimer in the corner that it was paid for by SBC.
It was. Are Australian cars like ones in the UK, with the wheel on the other side?
I think they are too (and I know she was on what would be the passenger side in a U.S. car), but when I was watching their bodies and how the car responded when he was taking a slug, it seemed to me as though he were driving. I'll have to watch again.
It did?
I totally didn't notice that - how funny.
Wow. That ending was shocking.
Did you guys get the impression that Ana knew that "Tom" was Jack's father when they were standing in line at the airport?
I also am thinking that Claire is Jack's half-sister.
Did Ana kill "Tom"? I can't remember if we actually saw how he died.
I'm with the folks who saw Ana driving. I remember wondering which side of the car Australia had their wheels on and seeing Ana with the wheel on the right side of the car.
ETA: I don't think so about Claire being Jack's half-sister. The woman didn't look old enough, and wasn't Claire living on her own before she left Australia anyway?
Didn't Jack's dad (whose name is apparently Christian, since I had forgotten that) die of a heart attack?
Ana-Lucia was definitely the driver, and Australian cars' steering wheels are on the right, like in the UK. (DH's parents used to have one when they lived in Hong Kong.)
I was about to post something about how the fact that Australians drive on the other side of the road was explicitly mentioned in the episode last night.
You know, when they won those cars at the end?
That was the last five minutes of the Amazing Race, of course.
It's weird how long my brain was able to keep those things consistent.