The pretty host with the plastic eyes is amusing in her woodenness
OMG, so wooden. I think she's Billy Joel's wife or something? Definitely
no Heidi Klum.
Yes, in the span of a single episode (the first one, I watched 'cause S was interested), I was permanently hooked.
We got hooked, too, and only turned to it because Project Runway was over. Now, though, we can't miss it. Stephen has to die. Or at least be publicly humiliated.
I'll probably watch Alias and then either read or watch Mythbusters.
Stephen has to die. Or at least be publicly humiliated.
DEATH (or public humiliation) TO STEPHEN!
Yeah. We should form a club.
Yeah. We should form a club.
I'm joining that club. And, I vote public humiliation. Death is too quick for him.
Death is too quick for him
I want to, like, move him into a trailer park and make him eat corn dogs and drink LaBatt's for a few weeks.
Mmmmm....corn dogs....
t /Homer
Yeah. We should form a club.
I call President!
Is there a Mistress of Punishment job available? I'll sign up for that...
What's a good tasty way to cook greenbeans?
Covered in melted cheese. With bacon bits.